
Performance Management, ‘A Practical Guide’.Mills, C. (2017)

Everyone is impacted by individual performance, and someone somewhere will be measuring it.
Who is it for:

This book is for everyone who has to measure and manage Performance.
It provides readers with a step-by-step process to build a performance management system that works!
It shows individuals or organisations how to:

  • make performance management employee centric
  • link strategy to performance management
  • use PM to support and develop culture change
  • set KPIs
  • track and measure competencies
  • use a rating system that differentiates performance and links to rewards.

‘Performance Management, A Practical Guide’ covers many best practices and examples that create direction, synergy, and accountability for future organisational and individual success.

Performance Management,’ Under the Microscope’. Mills, C. (2003)

In today’s world HR practitioners need to have an in-depth understanding of the value creating proposition of the business. Performance Management, ‘Under the Microscope’, was the first of its kind in Asia and advances thought leadership and contributes to enhancing human capital management in Asia
It covers:

  • A survey of 120 companies performance management / appraisal practices in Singapore
  • Case studies and interviews with 6 organisations from different industries on the performance management / appraisal system they have in place.
  • Provides samples of planning & appraisal form design.
  • Analyses forms that companies in Singapore use to measure and manage performance.
  • Reviews performance appraisal through the ages. An historical summary of methodologies in performance appraisal.
  • Provides a literature review of past and present research findings, in Singapore and worldwide.

This was a first of its kind publication in Singapore

It showed

  • How Singapore companies measured and managed performance compared with foreign companies.
  • What was the norm in performance management practices within industries.
  • What were the best practices in performance management.
  • Provided recommendations for upgrading the way organisations’ should measures and manage performance.

Who is it for:

CEO’s, HR practitioners, managers and those interested in learning more about the development of performance management and appraisal practices in Asia in 2003.

Performance Management, ‘Fact Or Fantasy’. A National Study Of Performance Management Practices In Singapore’.Mills, C. (1995)

Fact or Fantasy’,’ A National Study of Performance Management Practices in The Singapore of the 1990s faced many changes, both on a business and personal scale. No longer was the status quo OK. Businesses had to confront a worldwide marketplace that was more competitive than anytime in history. To sell their products, companies had to produce at higher levels than ever before. On the other hand, the people who worked for those companies demanded more. More say in the way they did their jobs and more coaching from their leaders and more job satisfaction.
Faced with these different pulls, business leaders looked for a solution to make their staff more motivated whilst tightening the organisation for the global marketplace. The solution many of them are turning to was performance management. This rare book summarises performance data from over one thousand employees (1,170) working in 74 local and foreign companies operating in Singapore

Rare book.
Available from Core Measures £ 55.00
Signed copy

Performance Management
‘What’s Hot What’s Not’, A National Study Of Performance Management Practices In Malaysia. Mills, C. (1994)

This study of Performance Management in Malaysia was carried out during April – September 1993. Its purpose was to gather/collect data on how organisations are seen at managing individual performance. This was important in light of the Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir’s stated objective of Malaysia becoming a fully developed nation by the year 2020. Furthermore Dr. Mahathir has stated that such a vision can only be achieved by looking to the private sector to lead the nation forward.

We must zero in on our strengths and weaknesses both as a company and as a nation, then develop our knowledge, capabilities and skills.
Mr Tajudin Ramh – Towards 2020 The Rise of Malaysia Inc

Over three hundred (355) employees, working in twenty (20) local and foreign companies gave feedback on how their performance was managed. The report looks at ; perceptions and feelings on performance planning, coaching and appraisal methods, twelve (12) practices and future trends, overall satisfaction plus a review of five (5) barriers or respondent frustrations, a strategy section looks at practical solutions to various problems unearthed and there is a summary of the future of performance management in Malaysia.

Very rare book.
Available from Core Measures £ 75.00
Signed copy


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