Career Development

Career Development

Employees require and demand a clear message that their efforts are being noted and that a development track is being laid for them. Whatever generation or age staff all need a personal roadmap and if it is not readily apparent talented people will look for the action elsewhere. In summary, your organisation’s vision can only be sustained by meeting future leadership and talent manpower needs.

Are you geared up to embark on an-on-going career development programme to groom, develop and retain your future leaders?


The recommended career development framework focuses on three key phases which reflect the strategic needs and the human capital manpower needs of the financial year, linked to an appraisal of an individual’s performance.

Phase I – Assessing Oneself & Getting Feedback

Reflecting on knowledge and skill level perceptions from different viewpoints

In essence, this is a skills audit of core behavioural and functional competencies carried out by the incumbent and his/her supervisor.

Phase II – Reviewing Prospects and Exploring Options

Discussing alternatives and possibilities but being mindful of limitations

This career discussion meeting (may be combined with Phase 1) considers the state of play in the person’s career and reviews current performance, skill audit data and discusses options, possibilities and limitations.

Phase III – Developing Skills & Gaining Experience

Developing knowledge and building skills and reputation

The focus of this phase is to create a personal learning plan for the chosen competencies. Development activities are selected from the competency library and agreed with the supervisor. The supervisor will need to address which experiences will improve the individual’s competence. At the same time the development plan activities should be measurable. The employee keeps a log of progress and meets at agreed times for review with the supervisor.

Design, video-based behaviour modelling & training for Phases 1-3 of the career development process will be provided.


Contact us to organise an audit.

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