Hogan Psychometrics

Selection Assessment

As part of any Talent Management Programme you may decide to assess selected employees utilizing a variety of tools. In addition to an employee engagement survey, leadership profiling, and career development Core Measures suggests hi-potential assessment to support succession planning and talent retention.

This involves utilises its competency framework to identify hi potential using the Assessment Centre (AC) method comprising assessment technology and competency based interviewing skills.

An assessment centre aims to replicate some of the key tasks and let you see how people deal with the scenarios you put them in. Assessment Centres operate on the principle of a “cross reference” system there are multiple assessors, evaluating against multiple competencies in multiple exercises. The key is defining the right competencies and behaviors beforehand, in this case hi-potential competencies so that the exercises will facilitate the relevant behavior.


  • It predicts on the job performance because it simulates real work situations
  • All candidates are measured objectively to the same criteria
  • Cost of hire is reduced because the “hit rate” is higher
  • Candidates feel more satisfied that even if they are not successful, they have been given a “fair go”

Sample position specific competencies competencies for company XYZ*

Competencies AssessedGroup DiscussionIndividual PresentationInterview
Thinking Abilityxx
Relationship Buildingxx
Making an Impactxx
Results Orientedxx
Service Excellencexx

*Other AC methods may include In-box, simulations, case studies & roleplays

The Potential Appraisal Discussion (Optional)

The Potential Appraisal Discussion (PAD) is used to determine both hi-potential or poor staff and for ranking purposes. Your organization may prefer this approach for hi-potential assessment and succession planning. Decisions that arise out of this process are based solely on the panel’s judgement and must be defended on that basis. This can be reviewed in more detail at project planning.


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