
Performance Coaching

From a work perspective let’s focus, understand and practice five areas.

New Role Coaching

Taking on a new role can be daunting for some and the manager’s role becomes critical. It is a mistake to believe that just because the individual was successful in a previous assignment that they will automatically be successful in the new task. Setting expectations, identifying issues and regular follow up are essential for success.

Poor Performance Coaching

This concerns performance output or expectations and KPIs i.e. to do with what’ someone has to achieve. It is generally a proactive coaching role deployed when someone is taking on a new or unfamiliar responsibility. It can also be used reactively when a KPI accountability is not going according to plan and there is a shortfall in achievement or output.

Behavioural Coaching

This is about how someone acts in the workplace and tends to be based on a reaction to a misdemeanor or misconduct e.g. tardiness (coming in late) or taking long breaks or spending time on personal calls or even lack of availability to subordinates.

Self Discovery Coaching

The last thing a busy line manager wants is a staff delegating or  passing the buck upwards. Development is all about thinking for oneself and not going to the boss with the problem but with the solution. This type of coaching focuses on categories of information that can be used in coaching, analyzing a situation and is also excellent in preparing for or to support a powerful sales presentation.

Maintenance Coaching

Once an employee has been coached and improvement has been achieved. The coach, AKA the line manager, needs to reinforce that whilst there is satisfaction in improvement of the performance or behavioral issue the steps taken to get back on track should be kept to. We will talk about the steps later.


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